
Neurological system 2018-09-17



The Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of Xuanwu Hospital was established in 2003 on the basis of the Department of Physiotherapy, the rehabilitation training division in the Department of Neurology,the Department of Chinese Massage and the Department of Acupuncture. With the leadership of famous professors Wang Maobin and Song Weiqun, the department is continuously developing in the field of medicine, teaching and research. We are mainly focusing on the treatment of difficult, severe and complicated patients in acute and subacute stage, with comprehensive rehabilitation treatment methods. We have treated Ms. Liu Hairuo, a famous presenter of Phoenix Satellite TV after her traumatic accident and helped her recovering from the state of unconsciousness to achieve self-reliance in daily living and the ability to participate in social activities. We have many other remarkable achievements, such as treating Luo Jinyong, an anti-drug hero from Yunnan Province, and Tan Jixiong, a police captain, who was severely wounded in the course of hostage rescue. With a series of functional training, we helped them obtained the capacity to back home and work. These high-profile cases brought our department a good reputation worldwide. Some critically ill or wounded patients from abroad have come to Xuanwu Hospital to seek rehabilitation training.

In the field of education and teaching, our department is one of the first organizations who obtained the qualification of national resident standardization training base for rehabilitation medicine professionals. After strict training, 100% of our resident doctors have passed their examinations. We always stay ahead in the Beijing resident doctors’ standardization training base dynamic evaluation. As a doctoral training center of Capital Medical University, our department began to recruit doctoral students in 2008 and established postdoctoral workstation in 2014. We tried our best to provide facilities and good environment for students to study and carry out their research that they can stand at a higher starting point and gain achievements in their studies. After graduation, they were highly regarded by the employers. Since 2007, we have been managing a national continuing medical education project "the New Progress of Rehabilitation Medicine" every year, which received excellent comments from the trainees from all over the country.

In the field of science research, we advocate scientific and solid work styles, focusing on the actual clinical needs of the patients, striving to find a safe and effective solution in diagnoses and treatments for severe dysfunctions. Every year there are new research projects funded by national or provincial research funding, and more than ten articles are published in national and international professional journals. The research Using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to treat the unilateral neglect disorder after stroke which was charged by Prof. Song Weiqun current chief of department, specialist of neural rehabilitation, tutor of doctor and postdoctoral supervisor, for over ten years, attracted the international attention in the field of cognitive rehabilitation. With its rigorous experimental design and satisfactory curative effect, this method has been cited by the latest edition of Guidelines for Adult Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery, A Guideline for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association / American Stroke Association, published in 2016, and by Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management 2017, published by the Stroke Foundation of Australia.

In the future, we will continue to make great efforts to improve the health, function and well-being of the people by providing the highest quality rehabilitative medical care, conducting highly relevant, cutting-edge research, and training the next generation of clinicians and researchers.